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The name is zulyadain...some call me zul, some call me eddy, some call me neko chan..simple,happy, easy-going,love to talk+laugh, make new friends. Thank you for viewing my humble blog.
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........................................................................................................................................... I write from my heart, kind of, everything that I wrote here is something that happened to me. Kindly leave a comments or just email me on how to improve my blog. =) ...........................................................................................................................................

Friday, November 5, 2010


 "You're not the perfect person for this job."

"Ni kena buat balik...ade silap equation dia jadi tak perfect...sebab ade step dah miss"

"Baju ni macam tak kena dengan kau, tak perfect la kalau pakai".

Those are phrases that i got when i find a job, doing calculus and finding the right clothes at shopping mall. But,whether we realize or not, we got like, a lot of criticism about how imperfect we're the whole life. It's only natural that as human, even our self, want something perfect. We looking for perfection in everything we do.

Sometimes we forgot that God create us with imperfection....just for simple reason, so we can try to be better. Personally, I believe perfection doesn't exist in human (forgive me is you think I'm wrong, that just come from my on point of view).

Think about it, why when human create pencils, they create eraser as complimentary to pencils? Because human just can't stop doing mistake, even when we writing, that's why erasers and liquid papers exist.

Why woman need man sperm to fertilize her  ovum, because a woman can't have her own baby without man (except for Maryam, prophet Isa mother, who gave birth to her without being fertilize by man).

Sometimes in search of perfection, we tend to reject the so-called imperfect thing or person....until we forgot that we also are not perfect. Is there any people who have guts to said this, "I'm totally perfect". I would love to meet that person and laugh at his/her face. No such thing as perfection.

Don't trust me? Try this, what make you remember things or people?? Its because of their imperfection. Yeah, it is. This is the thing i heard..

"Pakwe lama aku tak bleh blah, asyik nak jeles je..."

"Oh, kau ni zul ek, yang selalu menangis waktu darjah 3 dulu kan"

"Kelakar gila cara kau berjalan, tangan asyik hayun2 je..cubalah jalan elok2."

Two out of three phrases above pointed to me..hahaha..yeah...I'm imperfect, because of that , people remember me, people don't remember me on how perfect you're...because it's boring!

Perfection doesn't exist for me, picture perfect exist. Ever see that person who looks so kind, generous and then when you know them up-close they're totally different, that's picture perfect, our mind want us to look at something as perfect, but things are not all perfect.

Ironically, i learn that from Bleach...Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi line(Ep 200) make me think. Here it is:

The average person admire perfection and seeks to obtain it.But what's the point of achieving perfection?There is none.Nothing,not a single thing.I loathe perfection.If something is perfect, then there is nothing left.There is no room for imagination.No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities.

I'm totally agree with above line. It's because of imperfection, there is iphone 4 in the iphone family...isn't it. And there is going to be another iphone to replace iphone 4.

There's nothing wrong on seeking perfection, it's just our nature, but remember this, nothing is perfect in this world. If we're perfect, doctor wouldn't exist because we never get sicks, God create everyone with different gifts so we can help and compliment each others.But, don't just give up, we can do our best to be a better person!

 P/s: For me, we can't be perfect being, but we can try harder to be better and better. The word perfection best describes God, only He is perfect.Just look around us for the evidences. And yeah,imperfection that make everyone unique. =)


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